我在你的背後偷偷拍下你的照片你好像察覺到了,回過頭來朝我開心的笑了笑 眼角都帶著微笑的溫度我想像我是暗戀著你的女生一直在心裡一遍一遍的描繪你的笑臉常常在每個角落偷偷撿拾你的身影一看再看 這一長段我們走過的路 keep looking this long way we have been walking along我一直還是那個暗戀你的女生 I am still that girl who had a crash on you永遠在心裡為你加油打氣 keep praying for you and cheer you on in my mind雖然你可能現在聽不到 you may not able to hear that但是天神會把我的祝福直接快遞送給你 but my best wishes will be sent as a special delivery to you by godBelieve there is a god who will lead me to a beautiful future with you.I love you. please feel free to be yourself. :)I am not afraid aymore. Love wins.